How to Add a New Client to the Halal & Kosher CRM System

How to Add a New Client to the Halal & Kosher CRM System

August 09, 20243 min read

How to Add a New Client to the Halal & Kosher CRM System

Step 1: Access the "Companies" Module in the Halal & Kosher CRM System

Log in to your Halal & Kosher CRM system.

Navigate to the left-hand sidebar and click on the "Companies" section.

Select "Create" from the dropdown menu under the Companies tab.

Step 2: Input Key Company Information

Company Name: Enter the official name of the company seeking halal or kosher certification.

Company Type: Choose the appropriate company type from the available options.

Country: Select the country where the company operates, which is crucial for halal and kosher certification standards.

Sector: Specify the sector the company belongs to, such as food production, cosmetics, etc.

Code (SIC): Provide the Standard Industrial Classification code if applicable.

Certification Type: Choose whether the company is applying for halal, kosher, or both certifications.

Revenue Scale: Select the revenue bracket that best represents the company.

User Name: Assign a username for the company's access to the CRM system.

Logo: Upload the company’s logo by clicking "Browse" and selecting the image file.

Step 3: Describe the Company in Detail

About: Use this section to provide a comprehensive description of the company. Include keywords related to halal and kosher certifications to optimize for search engines.

Step 4: Provide Contact Information

Address: Enter the company's primary address.

Zip Code: Input the postal/zip code relevant to the company’s location.

Website URL: Add the company's website, which can be useful for cross-referencing during certification audits.

Social Media: Include LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter profiles, as these platforms can support your marketing efforts.

Step 5: Record Company Statistics

Number of Employees: Specify how many people work for the company.

Number of Products: Enter the total number of products offered by the company that require halal or kosher certification.

Number of Services: Mention the number of services the company provides.

Step 6: CEO Information

CEO Name: Provide the full name of the CEO.

CEO Email: Enter the CEO’s email address for official communication.

Step 7: Authentication Information

Email: Enter the email address that will be used for logging into the Halal & Kosher CRM system.

Password: Set a strong password.

Confirm Password: Re-enter the password for confirmation.

Step 8: Contact Person Information

Person Name: Provide the name of the contact person responsible for certification matters.

Person Phone: Enter the phone number for the contact person.

Step 9: Define Target Markets & Countries

Target Markets: Select the target markets where the company's halal or kosher products will be distributed.

Countries: Choose the countries in which the company operates, considering the specific halal or kosher requirements in each region.

Step 10: Specify Scopes of Certification

Name: Enter the scope of certification, such as product type or service category.

Add Scope: Click "Add Scope" to include additional scopes if the company operates in multiple areas.

Step 11: Attach Licenses and Permits

Name: Provide the name of any relevant licenses or permits.

File: Upload the necessary documentation by clicking "Browse" and selecting the file from your device.

Add License or Permits: Click to add more licenses or permits if required.

Step 12: Save or Cancel

Create: Click on "Create" to finalize and save the new client details in the Halal & Kosher CRM system.

Create & Create Another: If you have multiple clients to add, click this option to save the current entry and proceed with a new one.

Cancel: Choose "Cancel" if you need to exit without saving the informa

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